What to get from a University education
What to get from a University education
1- A degree

2- Professional credentials

3- Social and professional maturity

4- Improved reliability and attention span

5- High expectations and good work habits

6- Broader perspectives of the world, society and professional opportunities

7- Broader range of friends

8- Broader range of interests

9- Problem solving skills

10- Ability to distinguish reliable information from bad information

11- Leadership skills

12- Writing skills

13- Self confidence

14- Liberal education

15- Awareness of knowledge and education deficiencies

16- Math and computer skills

17- Ability to learn independently

18- Ability to work with older, more experienced and more educated colleagues

19- Professional contacts

20- Time management skills, study habits and study skills

21- Professional knowledge

22- Knowledge of how government works

23- Knowledge of American and world history

24- Ability to communicate with people who differ from you

Getting your money's worth at college (John Janovy)
What is college for?