Social aspects of creationism
Social aspects of creationism
Tribalism survives in modern society. Despite regional and national governments, subgroups based on religion, politics, employment, common interests, etc. thrive. They encourage healthy interests and cooperation, but they can inhibit intellectual development.

Arguments for evolution are generally framed in scientific terms. These arguments involve the history of the process that has led to the modern view of evolution along with rapidly developing molecular evidence. Nonscientists often approach evolution from other perspectives - common sense for example, or morals. Since everyday experience includes neither science nor evolution, strong beliefs often develop before the scientific view of evolution is encountered.

The moral argument is prominent these days. Biblical literalists argue that if you don't take Genesis literally, then all moral arguments break down. As corollaries they argue that supporters of evolution are atheists and that atheists have no morals. Neglected are the facts that many scientists are religious and that atheists are generally moral. Nonreligious sources of morality, including classical Greek culture are ingored.

The common sense argument against evolution is reasonable enough. After all, the modern concept of evolution arose only after thousands of years of cultural history. Common sense had to be overcome for the evolutionary view to take hold. Both the everyday (limited) experience of nature and the human experience of time militate against evolution. The modern common sense argument is often associated with anti-intellectualism. It's only "pointy headed professors" who ignore the foolishness of evolution.

Social groups adopt either or both of these perspectives and support them by rationalizing. Members of such groups learn misunderstandings rather than science. The notion that evolution requires fish or reptiles to turn into people is common. The second law of thermodymanics along with probablilities (misunderstood) are seen to be violated. Macroevoliution and microevolution are seen to be distinct, with little or no evidence for the former. Missing fossils are seen to disprove evolution. Scientists are seen to be "presuppositionally handicapped" and to believe in evolution only because they are atheists. Hitler is seen to have been largely motivated by Darwin.

Social reinforcement of such ideas is a major barrier to understanding the scientific case for evolution.