1 ...freedom of belief and speech for students and parents,

2 ...because it undermines their religious convictions and

3 ...moral or philosophical values, compels their

4 ...unconscionable professions of belief, and hinders

5 ...religious training and oral training by parents;

6 .............(6) Public school presentation of only

7 ...evolution-science furthermore abridges the United States

8 ...Constitutions's prohibition against establishment of

9 ...religion, because it produces hostility toward many

10 ...theistic religions and brings preferences to theological

11 ...liberalism, humanism, nontheistic religions, and atheism,

12 ...and that these religious faiths generally include a

13 ...religious belief in evolution;

14 .............(7) Public school instruction in only

15 ...evolution-science also violates the principle of academic

16 ...freedom, because it denies students a choice betweeen

17 ...scientific models and instead indoctrinates them in

18 ...evolution-science alone;

19 .............(8) Presentation of only one model rather than

20 ...alternative scientific models of origins is not required

21 any compelling interest of the state, and exemption of

22 ...such students from a course or class presenting only

23 ...evolution-science does not provide an adequate remedy

24 ...because of teacher influence and student pressure to

25 ...remain in that course or class;

26 .............(9) Attendance of those students who are at

27 ...public schools is compelled by law, and school taxes from
