Motivated reasoning
Motivated reasoningFactors that drive motivated reasoning (emotion based reasoning)Religion, politics, family, school, peersHow do you recognize that you're using motivated reasoning?
Earliest beliefs have priorityWhen you rely on limited sources (peers, political cohort...)Motivated reasoning at wikipedia, Video, more
When you cite only the poorest sources of your opposition
When you associate primarily with those who share your convictions
When you uncritically accept information
When you rely only on rationalizing
Motivated reasoning @ skepdic, Science denial
Where knowledge comes from, Metacognition, Bounded rationality
The right wing brain, Cultural affirmation, Making decisions
Cognitive biases, Mooney on motivated reasoning
Morton's demon - listen to what you like, ignore what you dislike
Atheism & science, The case for motivated reasoning, Kunda (pdf)
A classic example of motivated reasoning
Why people believe misinformation