Test of morphic resonance
Test of morphic resonance

Morphic resonance, in a similar way to global consciousness, violates basic scientific principles.

Rupert Sheldrake predicts that morphic resonance will cause a complex performance to improve subsequent, similar complex performances. Acceptance of the hypothesis requires successful tests. There are few such tests. One of these involves learning by baby chicks. This test involves involves highly variable effects, is influenced by skill of the experimenter and is difficult to experimentally blind. Results are suggestive, statistically marginal and published in an obscure (very obscure) journal.

Much simpler and less ambigous tests are feasible. Sheldrake predicts that crystallizing a newly discovered compound for the first time will speed subsequent crystallizations. This is easily testable. One need merely synthesize a new compound, stop the reaction and divide a solution of the product into many aliquots. One then puts an aliquot on ice and measures the time to crystallization. At subsequent times one puts addtional aliquots on ice and measures time to crystallization. The experiment is so simple that it's diffcult to imagine that Sheldrake hasn't tried it.

Morphic resonance fits with Robert Park's Voodoo Science, item 7 in particular, but Rupert Sheldrake is consistent with several of Park's criteria.