Brad Harrub - Young Earth apologist
Brad Harrub - Young Earth apologist

Brad Harrub
At Focus Press - he's no longer listed as staff at Apologetics Press.
Bio at Christian Answers - Bio at Internet School of Biblical Studies
Harrub scientific publication - Missing links
Downloadable audios of Harrub talks
Book - The Truth about Human Origins
Articles in CRS Quarterly - more
At Creationwiki, Are viruses really evolving?
Responses to Scientific American's 15 answers
Bombardier Beetles of the Sea
Do Human and Chimpanzee DNA Reveal an Evolutionary Relationship?
Neanderthals - Missing Link or diseased?
Walking Whales?, Reel in a rock - letter to Brad Harrub
Sandal with trilobites - picture, Brass behemoths
Walking amidst the dinosaurs - Ica burial stones - more on stones - more at wikipedia
"Ancient" dinosaur depictions
Harrub's thermodynamics contradicted