Google resources
Google resources page
Google News, All my faves, Google blog search, Bing
Google video, Internet Archive at wikipedia, Internet search tools
Guide to efficient searching, YouTube, Metacrawler advanced search
Google help, Google calculator, Duckduckgo
Search engine watch (info on search engines), search engine list, more.
Scholar search, Blog search, Google cheat sheet
Google operators, Yahoo people search, Google maps, Yippy, Google search tips
Google News - 5000 news sites crawled every 15 minutes, compiled by AI
Do search words disappear when you use the back button?
Google trends - what's happening in the world of search terms
20 Google secrets, Fagan Finder
Google history, The PageRank algorithm, PigeonRank
Mehran Sahami - gave computer science seminar @ UNL, Google recognizes his name, but what would your spell checker do? This is a good example of how artificial intelligence (AI) differs from a dictionary.
Google and the future of search engines
Most popular search terms - 2003