History of Egypt
History of Egypt
History of Ancient Egypt at wikipedia, Gobero @ wikipedia

Luxor at wikipedia, Temple of Dendera at wikipedia

Egyptian museum at wikipedia, Egyptian museum (Turin) at wikipedia

Predynastic Egypt

Egyptian museum (Berlin) at wikipedia, Valley of the Kings at wikipedia

Egyptian Chronology at wikipedia, 12th dynasty, Sothic cycle at wikipedia

Ancient Egypt at the Royal Ontario Museum

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, wikipedia - controversies

Norman de Garis Davies, Egypt Exploration Society

Herbert Winlock

James Henry Breasted - America's first Egyptologist

Oriental Institute (Chicago) - at wikipedia

Tomb of Meketre - Middle kingdom

Jean Francois Champollion at wikipedia

Dominique Vivant Denon at wikipedia

Kingdom of Kush @ wikipedia, Kerma

George Reisner

Henry Salt at wikipedia, Meroe

Radiocarbon-Based Chronology for Dynastic Egypt
Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Michael W. Dee, Joanne M. Rowland, Thomas F. G. Higham, Stephen A. Harris, Fiona Brock, Anita Quiles, Eva M. Wild, Ezra S. Marcus, and Andrew J. Shortland, Science 328, 1554-1557 (2010)