Intelligent design, Dover PA
Creationism in Dover PA
Pseudoscience creeps inI do not feel obliged to believe that same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use.New! - York Daily Record retrospective
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
The proper application of both the endorsement and Lemon tests to the facts of this case makes it abundantly clear that the Board’s ID Policy violates the Establishment Clause. In making this determination, we have addressed the seminal question of whether ID is science. We have concluded that it is not, and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents.
Judge John E. Jones III, Dover decision
Interview with Judge Jones
Is intelligent design creationism?
Philly Inquirer reviews Judgment Day - Dover area reflects on upcoming Nova documentary
See Judgment Day online
Last ID supporter gone from board
Google video - Ed Brayton on the Dover trial (58min)
Webcast - Robert Pennock discusses Dover trial (58min)
Discovery Institute questions the Jones decision - Depositions from the Dover trial
Eric Rothschild reflects, The "vise strategy" undone (Barbara Forrest)
Coulter mangles Dover case Judge Jones speaks
The Discovery Institute responds to Dover - Attorney's fees
On court expenses - Hovind in Dover
Repent America going door-to-door - School Board to pay costs
The lessons of Dover - Evolution is stupid - good story, follow its links
Creationism returns to Dover - Judicial ignorance?
Board rescinds - View from Seattle - Legal perspective
Trial at wikipedia - The Galvanic response - William Buckingham responds
Defending science by defining it - breathtaking inanity - Chronicle of Higher Education
Judge bars ID - Full Kitzmiller decision (139pp pdf) - story at New Scientist
Comment on Amicus curie briefs - Decision expected
New Yorker article (good read) - Shocked and awed
Old School board out! - actual results - the makings of a bad defense
The Thomas More Law Center - Closing arguments
More inconsistencies - Defense rift - brilliant mind testifies
Another one bites the dust - the Guardian reports - Matthew Chapman
ID needs new recruits, The big tent returns
BBC reports - Of Behe and mammary glands
The New Statesman reports - Dover transcripts (large pdf)
Evolution of "Pandas"
The Brahean blunder - The Onion reports
Laurie Goodstein reports - Leonard Pitts, John F. Haught, ID is religion
Trial begins - Court schedule
Reflection on Dover trial - Testimony of a fundamentalist dupe (Brian Fahling)
Science magazine on the trial
Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District - more on Kitzmiller, at NCSE
The upcoming court case (USA Today), School of creationism
Thomas More Law Center expounds
ID experts withdraw - preparing for the trial - Dover Cares
Science by legislation (pdf) - Teaching Darwin splits Pennsylvania town
The story from BBC - The New York Times weighs in
William Buckingham resurfaces, Reed Cartwright comments on current legal situation
ACLU to file lawsuit, York Daily Record, Math standards
Dover in the International news - Science policy press release
Critique of the Dover curriculum - Where is Dover ?
Pledge of Allegiance controversy - Nov 8, 2003
William Buckingham (science expert?) and OxyContin - Feb 3
Ed board misses opportunity - Feb 3 - Is this a double standard? - Feb 9
Inherit the Wind - June 20 - Local opinion - July 11 - Pharyngula - June 28
Dover area - June 29 - Controversy to flare again - Sept 5
Fundamentalist perspective on Of Pandas... - Oct 1
ID adopted - Oct 19
Are we headed for the Dover Monkey Trial? Is William Buckingham headed for international fame?