Kansas creationism
Creationism in Kansas - is there intelligent life in KS?

This page inspired by What's the Matter with Kansas - good read - Commentary
New! - Kansas struggles with Next Generation Science Standards
Kansas sued, The people of Kansas v Darwin
Kansas' evolution debate just keeps evolving
Kenneth Willard pushing creationism
Current election - Kansas teachers aren't anti-evolution
Candidate info 2008 - Evolution hot topic in KS
Answers to KCFS questionnaire (2008) - some candidates use pseudoscientifc resources
Advice for the 2008 elections - Tom Willis on "evolutionists"
KSBOE throws out creationist standards - Notorious KS Kangaroo Kourt summarized
Pat Hayes summarizes fundamentalist attempts to influence KS science standards
2005 standards had little effect - Standards will return to normal -
Doug Kaufman
New science standards again - Election results - District 3 board race
The Kansas City Star recommends - Sebelius attacks board
Keeping Kansas on track - Steven Case, letter to the editor
Balance on board of education shifts - Antievolution standards - Colson weighs in
KC Star recommendations - Kansas morons - ID teacher's guide
Upcoming board elections - Anti-evolution billboards
Kansas Association of Teachers of Science Statement - School district rejects
Dembski in Lawrence - Eugenie Scott
"These evolutionists are saying that Jesus was half-chimpanzee"
God, Science and the Kooky Kansans who love them both
Welcome to KS - Science redefined - National Academy of Sciences comments on KS standards
Upcoming board of education elections
Evolution in Kansas, a geologist reflects - Groups deny KS use of their science standards
Standards to be reviewed - The new education commissioner
Nobel laureates contact KS board, Science reports KS standards
Comments from Coalition for Science, latest NYT editorial (annotated), KS creationists
Barnum in Topeka (5/9) - Is the ID strategy a loser? (5/13), Krauss on "teaching the controversy" (5/17)
Tony Ortega reports (5/5), Alternet (5/19), Andrew Gumbel (5/19)
John Calvert, Philip Skell, Latest proposed revisions of standards (pdf, 3/29/05)
Kansas State Board of Education, Kangaroo court witnesses
Who pays for the Kangaroo court?
From the Washington Post
ID vs creationism
KS Board of Ed KC meeting , Report, Evolution resource in Manhattan
Standards committee rejects creationism, Kansas makes the Sunday Times
Steve Abrams spearheads another attempt to bring creationism to KS.
Draft report on science standards - Committee - Proponents of creationism
Jack Krebs' talk in Lawrence (KU speech online) - State science standards committee
Kansas town lighted fuse of Ohio feud over origins
Forces of Darkness, Linda Holloway
John Brinkley - historical figure in Kansas pseudoscience (with goat glands)
Pope Michael 1, Kansas' papal claimant
Tim Golba, Celtie Johnson
Kay O'Connor - Why is she a legislator if she believes women shouldn't vote?
Creationists on the current board - Abrams, Bacon, Martin, Willard
The Lawrence Journal World on the issues
Washington Post interview - Kansas creationist
The State Board of Education decision (1999)
The Abrams revision
Story behind the vote
Answers in Genesis defends
View from afar
State Board of Education elections - 2000 - Fundies out
Evolution returns - 2001
Jack Cashill - Triumph of Design
Richard Dawkins on Kansas
The Intelligent Design Network - John Calvert - Lobbying the Kansas State Board of Education
Creation Science Association of Mid America
Kansas Citizens for Science
John D. Altevogt
Kansans for Life