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Books America, Hruschka
Isopropyl bromide
Flexible Viruses: Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins
Ehrlich, Ramon y Cajal
Darwin, Preston
Berenice Abbott, New York
Numbers, Creation Evolution - Rec'd 12/2/23
Laats, Creationism - Rec'd 11/15/23
Frank Porter Graham - Rec'd 2/21/23
Sinatra, Denial - Rec'd 12/21/22
Odyssey, Darwin, Chaffin - Rec'd 10/22/22
Kertzer, pope war - Rec'd 9/16/22
Leibovich, Servitude - Rec'd 9/17/22
Helmholtz, Cahan - Rec'd 8/27/22
The Other School Reformers - Rec'd 5/27/22
Jones, Robespierre - Rec'd 5/12/22
Warfare science - Rec'd 3/25/22
Fifth Domain - Rec'd 3/25/22
Karl - Betrayal - Rec'd 12/2/21
Ghazvinian, America and Iran - Rec'd 7/27/21
Democracy, Cose - Rec'd 4/20/21
Great Secret, Conant - Rec'd 1/30/21
Some Assembly Required, Shubin
Potosi, Lane - Rec'd 7/25/20
Crime in Progress, Simpson - Rec'd 12/30/19
Ocean Liners, Finamore - Rec'd 11/5/19
Information theory tutorial - Rec'd 11/5/19
Bayes rule tutorial - Rec'd 10/18/19
Grand Central terminal 100 - Rec'd 10/14/19
New Right - Rec'd 9/7/19
Maid, Land - Rec'd 2/22/19
James Cook, Frame - Rec'd 2/2/19
Kertzer, Pope King - Rec'd 12/30/18
Chasing New Horizons - Rec'd 5/28/18
Guastavino - Rec'd 5/28/18
Hunt Morgan Allen - Rec'd 4/11/18
Atlas Obscura - Rec'd 2/1/17
Fantasyland haywire - Rec'd 1/31/17
Iron King Dodge - Rec'd 8/11/17
Josef Albers in America - Rec'd 4/29/17
Piketty, Capital - Rec'd 3/22/17
The Book That Changed America - Rec'd 2/6/17
Mapping New York - Rec'd 11/11/16
American Conspiracy Theories - Rec'd 10/11/16
Earth's Deep History - Rec'd 10/6/16
Meaning Library, Crawford - Rec'd 10/5/16
Great Gardens London - Rec'd 9/30/16
Philosophy of pseudoscience - Rec'd 4/16/16
Creationism in Europe - Rec'd 4/6/16
The Cell, Challoner - Rec'd 4/2/16
Boott Mills - Rec'd 12/21/15
Undeniable, Nye - Rec'd 11/18/15
House of Debt, Mian - Rec'd 11/16/15
Losing our way, Herbert - Rec'd 11/12/15
Upton Sinclair, Coodley - Rec'd 11/9/15
Rivard, New Order, Textiles - Rec'd 10/24/15
Innovators - Isaacson - Rec'd 9/21/15
Riley antievolution - Rec'd 7/30/15
Hawks in flight - Rec'd 1/9/15
Crossley Eastern Birds - Rec'd 11/6/14
Understanding evolution, Kampourakis - Rec'd 9/24/14
Matisse True - Rec'd 9/9/14
Secrets of the Temple - Rec'd 9/3/14
Just World Belief - Rec'd 8/16/14
All the President's Bankers - Rec'd 8/2/14
Paul Otlet, Cataloguing the world - Rec'd 7/25/14
Contradictions and the End of Capitalism - Rec'd 7/7/14
Intelligently designed - Rec'd 6/25/14
In Bed with Wall Street - Rec'd 6/5/14
The Unpersuadables - Rec'd 6/5/14
Basbanes, Paper - Rec'd 4/17/14
Branch, English Countryside - Rec'd 2/12/14
Inventing Modern World - Rec'd 2/1/14
Politics, Alan Ryan - Rec'd 1/7/14
Abominable Science - Rec'd 1/7/14
Pigliucci, Pseudoscience - Rec'd 11/18/13
Stamford HS yearbook - Rec'd 11/7/13
Fuller, Karplus - Rec'd 9/17/13
Steam-Powered Knowledge: William Chambers and the Business of Publishing, 1820-1860 - Rec'd 7/3/13
Norwich Nineteenth - Rec'd 6/6/13
Blackett's war - Rec'd 5/1/13
Early creationist - ordered 2/11/11
American Scientific Affiliation - ordered 2/11/11
Creationist Nelson - ordered 2/11/11
Woodmorappe - Noah's Ark - ordered 11/23/10
Darwin geologist - ordered 7/20/10
Olah - Superacids - ordered 8/29/10
Treasure exceptions - Rec'd 7/11/11
British Ethical Societies - Rec'd 5/21/2012
Skeptoid - ordered 8/30/10
Molecules changed world, rec'd 10/9/12
This Time It's different - ordered 7/20/10
Boyle God, rec'd 10/14/12
Most Powerful idea - Rosen - ordered 7/20/10
Michael Lewis - The Big Short - ordered 8/2
Nonsense on Stilts - ordered 8/2/10
Jackson - Chemical Industry - rec'd 3/12/13
Palley - Concrete - ordered 10/5/10
Origin of Concepts - Carey, rec'd 2/5/13
Stamford Ct, Bull - ordered 10/3/10
Heroes of Empire - Berenson - ordered 12/17/10
Why the West Rules - Morris - ordered 2/9/11
Reinventing Knowledge - McNeely - ordered 12/5/10
Newman's Unquiet Grave - Cornwell
The Man Who Invented the Computer: Biography of John Atanasoff - ordered 12/17/10
Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light - Brox - ordered 3/7/11
Radioactive: Marie and Pierre Curie - Redniss - ordered 1/25/11
Stamford maritime - Rec'd 9/15/11
The Disappearing Spoon - Kean - Rec'd 10/26/11
Cathedrals of Science - Coffey - ordered 1/22
Sydney Brenner - Rec'd 4/12/13
Bee Eater - Whitmire
Moyo - How the West was Lost
Greater Journey Paris - Rec'd 7/17/11
Stephen Akey - Rec'd 8/23/11
Alan Rogers - Rec'd 8/25/11
Bacteriophages - Abedon
Believing Brain - Shermer - Rec'd 9/15/11
Transmississippi - Peterson - Rec'd 12/18/11
Fool me twice - Otto - Rec'd 1/4/12
Breasted - Abt - Rec'd 1/17/12
Reactionary Mind - Rec'd 5/18/2012
Debt 5000 - Rec'd 6/30/12
Pity the Billionaire - Rec'd 2/1/12
Cultural Proficiency Journey - Rec'd 5/30/12
Among the creationists - Rec'd 6/9/12
My Sister Rosalind Franklin - Rec'd 5/13/2012
Cracking the Egyptian Code - Rec'd 5/21/2012
Most Powerful Idea in the World (steam engine) - Rec'd 5/31/12
Marat Tribune - Rec'd 6/11/12
Rocks Don't Lie
The Three Failures of Creationism - Rec'd 10/4/12
Ponzi Scheme, Frankel - Rec'd 11/28/12
Dorothy Wrinch - Rec'd 12/24/12
Berkman, Evolution - Rec,d 1/18/13
Ingersoll, Jacoby - Rec'd 1/23/13
Harry Emerson Fosdick - Rec,d 4/25/13
Ignorance, Firestein - Rec'd 4/4/13