Architects and infrastructure
Architects and infrastructureGilbert Stanley Underwood - Union Station, Omaha - history
Bertram Goodhue - State capitol, Goodhue's office
Robie House, Gehry Buildings, New Penn Station
Thomas Lincoln Casey - Sheldon Art Gallery - Philip Johnson
John Latenser, Thomas Kimball - Kimball residence - Trans Mississippi exposition, more on Trans Mississippi - Expolinks
Ithiel Town, Taller than the Burj Khalifa
NY Skyscrapers - Daniel Burnham
New York Armories, Cosmopolitan Hotel, NYC
World Trade Center news - photos, progress
Flatiron building at wikipedia - images - One World Trade Center
One57 @ wikipedia, Hudson Yards
8 Spruce St. (Beekman Tower), Architecture of NYC
432 Park Avenue @ wikipedia
Washington Union Station
The national capital - Constantino Brumidi
Domenech, Barcelona - Palladio slide show
Paris Exposition des Arts Decoratifs - 1925 (more) - some photos - more
Grand Palais - Paris, Nicholas Hawksmoor - Country houses and London churches
Robert Lyminge - Hatfield & Blickling
John Nash - Regency London
John Wood - Royal Crescent (Bath)
Art deco buildings of London, Florin Court
Senate House (Bloomsbury), Charles Holden
Demolished buildings of London
English living - slideshow - Strata Tower (Southwark)
The Gherkin (London) - at wikipedia
The Shard at wikipedia, photo, progress
Thomas Cubitt - London developer - Belgravia, Osborne House
Inigo Jones, Alexandra Palace - London
Martello tower - at wikipedia
Architectural images
Robert Moses - Merritt Parkway