The Discovery Institute and the wedge strategy
The Discovery Institute and the wedge strategy
"The foremost thing is to demolish the Darwinist superstition. All our people can get along on that. What they don't agree on are the alternatives, such as the theory of design."Discovery InstituteThe Discovery Institute houses the country's foremost apologists for Intelligent Design. If you're new to ID, learn the differences between apologetics and science. Also note that Discovery Institute opinions are mostly contrary to mainline science
Bruce Chapman, President, Discovery Institute
The Intelligent Designer
Discovery Institute intelligent design campaigns
The Discovery Institute is still undermining science
Biologic Institute is a Shutterstock image
Centre for Intelligent Design (Glasgow) - Alastair Noble bio
On academic freedom - Is intelligent design creationism?
Evolution of a think tank - The Biologic Institute
Survey of Discovery Institute activities - Discovering the DI
John Derbyshire (National Review) on Expelled
Was the Florida school board tricked? - Hidden agenda
Responding to Dover - The famous petition, Discovery's creation
Dennett on ID, In the New York Times, see full NYT special section (reg req'd)
Time magazine - A Stealth Attack on Evolution, Petition signer has second thoughts
Does the Discovery Institute promote critical thinking?, Misusing propositional logic
the Discovery Institute complains that PBS won't broadcast pseudoscience.
Discovery Institute at wikipedia, Comments on the Discovery Institute's "top questions"
The Discovery Institute complains of inadequate apologetics at the "Cobb County trial"
Discovery Institute home page, Fellows, Center for Science and Culture
Center for Apologetics and Propaganda
Failures of intelligent design, Dembski's explanatory filter
Criticism from Seattle, Tactics in Texas, Controversy at Baylor
Carl Zimmer on the DI, Is ID contributing to science?
"Darwinism is a theory in crisis". How does scientific literature reflect this?, History of "evolution in crisis"
Church and State's take on the Discovery Institute
Texans favor "Teaching the Controversy", but is it science?
Are intelligent design and doubts about evolution legitimate science?
Wedge strategy - to destroy science, Wedge strategy - Five year goals
An interview of Phillip Johnson.
Review of Evolution: a Theory in Crisis, by Michael Denton - to ID what Henry Morris' The Genesis Flood is to "creation science".
Book review - Phillip Johnson's The Wedge of Truth
Wedge update - from ARN
Origin of "intelligent design"
Discovery Institute funding - Howard Fieldstead Ahmanson
Funding - Philip Anschutz
Dominion theology - Christian reconstructionism - another site, John Jay by Walter Stahr